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Top Authors (this week)   

Sunshine Conkey

Grandma of 10. Originally from NH but living in SD now. Fueled by coffee, motivated by music, yoga & traveling and inspired by anything worth photographing. Visit profile

Barry B. Wright

Author of ‘Betrayal of Trust,’ (2012), & 'Angel Maker,' (2020). Both available on Amazon. Writing has shaped my life since my retirement from teaching high school. Visit profile

Dale Thacker

I'm a paramedic firefighter and in the process of writing a book. The name of it is Tales of a Bear Hunter. It is a very captivating read don't need to be a hunter to enjoy. Visit profile

Rita Rae Siller

I've been reading nonstop since I was 6 years old, and writing stories since I was 10. Writing has been a hobby for so long that I can't imagine my life without it. If my work makes someone other than me happy, then it is all worth it. Visit profile

Keith Slater

I am retired and live in Australia. Have published two romance novellas, and post intermittently to my wordpress blog focusing upon romance story starters. (kfsstories.wordpress.com) I have just published a children’s religious picture story... Visit profile


After suffering years of physical abuse from my ex-husband, I found the strength to leave! I joined the Army in 1977. Serving 22 years during the Cold War as a single parent, I retired in Germany and am a Permanently Disabled Veteran. Visit profile

Shirley Holder Platt

I'm a native Texan, and my stories reflect that background. A member of the corporate rat race for most of my adult life, I retired early to write books. I now spend more time at my writing career than I ever did at a conventional job. Visit profile

Dacia M Arnold

Dacia M Arnold is a writing coach, award-winning American novelist, mom, and Army Veteran. Her work has appeared in the New York Times and countless other platforms. Now she shares her expertise with authors of all calibers. Visit profile

Susan Woerner

Susan writes most of her fiction in the speculative and historical genres. She's written flash fiction, short stories and is now working on a novel. Most of her work centers on the regional area of upstate NY and northern PA where she currently lives... Visit profile

Larry K. Thompson

I've been writing and editing since high school. In high school, I was a juvenile delinquent. I served in the US Army and the Texas State Guard. I worked as an English Professor and as a rim editor. I am retired and write full time. I love feedback. Visit profile

Jo Hawk

Jo is a corporate professional, excelling in a field she no longer loves. Her passion is writing daily quotes for creators, exploring flash fiction, editing a collection of short stories and trying to avoid working on her novel. Visit profile

Liberty Henwick

Born in the UK, reared in South Africa and now residing in the Irish countryside with her husband and four young children Liberty, a Graphic Designer also writes, paints and teaches art. Her passion includes working with the local church and teaching... Visit profile

Elizabeth M. Bradshaw

I'm a Jesus loving, coffee drinking, Corvette driving, soccer playing mom of six, wife to one. I enjoy wordsmithing, and sometimes even bring out a laugh or two. Visit profile

Marcus M. McGrew (MMM)

Aspiring Author, Father and Active Duty Army NCO. I'm excited about this venture and look forward to everyone who takes this journey with me! Visit profile

Cynthia A. Jensen

All my life I've read books in many genres. I've wanted to write but didn't have the courage. But thanks to Chapterbuzz, and feedback from the community, I realize I can be a writer. Visit profile

Tiffany S. Doran

Hello! My name is Tiffany. I am a wife, a mother, grandmother, and a hopeless romantic in love with the wondrous world of writing. I currently have two children's books completed. My first novel Desires of the Heart is now available on Amazon! Visit profile

Bexx Matthews

I'm Bexx. I write a bit - The Girl with White Hair currently on hiatus until I become more knowledgeable. ^^ 🌼 I'm not here to build a full-time career or anything, just to write when I can. Visit profile

Marian Wood

I am a married working mum with two young children. The secret time warp is a work in progress Visit profile

Cathy Cade

Mostly lives in the Cambridgeshire Fens, surrounded by fields. At other times, she lives across a garden fence from London's historic Epping Forest. Her short stories have been published in print and online magazines and anthologies. Visit profile

Leah Lindeman

Lover of classic literature—History Buff—Leah Lindeman graduated with honours from the Institute of Children's Literature. She's published three novels. Her fourth one will be released July 27, 2020. Visit profile

Alexis Cunningham

Hi! I'm Alexis, I'm short, shy and British. I write fantasy and I'm presently half-way through the first novel in a series. Visit profile

Jenny Young

I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I have recently retired and have a dream to write a novel.I have already written a children's story and I enjoy writing short stories. I am a Christian and have a devotional blog called Coffee in the Rain. Visit profile

Kaitlyn Abdou

My name is Katie! I have always had a passion for literature and writing, but this is my first serious venture into book-writing. I am from Massachusetts, USA and love it here! I have no kids yet, but I have three cats and I hate them. <3 Visit profile

Jack Wolfe Frost

Jack Wolfe Frost is the Eternal Rebel; he rebels against everything which may have the word “rules” or “behave” within it, whether explicit or implicit. Visit profile

Leila Miller

Leila Miller has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Ruth Virgo

I'm the moody teenager you are always complaining about excpet I don't really fit the stereotype because I do writing as well. It's mostly fictional and a lot of it is based on the drama of teenage life, you should read it some time... Visit profile

Dr. David D. Schein

Book is based on a true story from the early 1970s, during the period of "Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll." Title is "A Cheap Education." Visit profile

Patricia Robin Woodruff

I'm an artist, writer, and mystic. My joy of life and innate curiosity about the physical and spiritual world has led me in a journey of understanding through sacred sites around the earth and internally through spiritual teachings. This curiosi... Visit profile

Ivette Martinez

I started writing at the age of sixteen. I love creating scenarios where anything can be possible. Recently published my book Don't Let Go. Visit profile

Hazel Spectre

Hazel is a stay at home mom of 3 living in St. Louis, Missouri. She has been writing Fanfics since 2010, but now is excited to write books for others to enjoy! She follows the Norse Religious beliefs, and loves Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and paranormal books. Visit profile

Amara Blackstone

Amara Blackstone is an up and coming writer. Her passions include travel, writing, music, and her dogs. She writes to bring life to pertinent stories, and to offer readers an escape. Visit profile

Rebecca Onkar

Rebecca Onkar has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Kat Frost

Kat Frost is a fantasy author who has been writing novels, of varied quality, for ten years. A thrill-seeking adventurer at heart, Kat hails from a small town near Seattle, Washington, where she spends most of her time writing. Outside of her inky pa... Visit profile

Imogen McKenzie

The barefoot writer from Birmingham. Zany, wacky and quite the fiend. Imagine the frenzy, because I am Imogen McKenzie. Visit profile

Katrena Turner

Single mother of two very headstrong redheads. Born and raised in Denver Colorado. I love reading and writing and most of all that glorious smell of books. I am unpublished, besides a few poems as a kid, and working on my first novel. Visit profile

Steven Smith

UK Self-published author of on-going 'Dragon's Reclaim' series. Detective Thriller Edgehaven is my latest self-published work. Visit profile

Brandon Pilcher

I'm an artist and author in the north of San Diego County, CA. My interests include dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, ancient history, and strong action heroines. Visit profile

Cynthia Ann Garcia

Cynthia Ann Garcia has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

B. L. Peterson/Bert LaVey

Bruce {Brewster} Peterson was born in Columbus, Ohio and has been writing for over 40 years. He writes self-empowerment and occult books under the pseudonyms of B.L. Peterson and Bert LaVey. Visit profile

Cindy Davis

Cindy Davis is the author of 28 mysteries and romantic suspense novels, and several non-fiction books. She’s a 24-year veteran free-lance editor, and a transplant to Florida where she can be outdoors twelve months of the year. Visit profile

Mary Judge-Hubard

Two years ago I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My life changed because of illness, and I found regardless of the disease I was able to write, even if was with one finger at a time. PEACE Visit profile

Wendy Ogilvie

I spent 20 years as a fitness trainer but have always been a writer in some capacity. I began learning editing to improve my writing but I loved it so much, I'm now a qualified editor. Unfortunately, I can now see all the errors in my previous book... Visit profile

Nick Edinger

Nick Edinger is an aspiring novelist studying at the University of Iowa, and a writer for mytrendingstories.com. He can be contacted at cicadaman@sbcglobal.net, and reasoned with on Twitter @nickedingerbook Visit profile

Naomi Burt

I’m fourteen, and I have been writing for several years, but I haven’t yet finished a book. I’m a musician along with a writer, and I can’t wait to see where new inspiration hits! Also, thanks to my sister for cheering me on! Visit profile

Steve Boseley

Steve writes horror and disturbing fiction that has appeared in many online horror publications, as well as in several horror anthologies. He has also had work published by Alfie Dog Fiction. His first novella Die, Blossom, Bloom, was published in ... Visit profile

Adam Wright

I have loved reading and writing for as long as I can remember. Telling stories is what brings me the greatest joy in life. I love stories of all kinds but I mostly write fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Visit profile

Viktor Slater

Author of London Crime Thriller, Darkchapel. Have published on Amazon and Google Play Visit profile

Sheri Levenstein

I finally figured out writing, not accounting was my passion. I dove into my first Nano, and have 3 under my belt so lots of unfinished work with three novels, a children's book and a memoir. I also have a blog and a website to keep fed. Visit profile

Andromeda Kaine

Andromeda Kaine is a romance writer heavily influenced by the paranormal, fantasy, and science fiction genres. She finds her peace in writing high fantasy and using the most descriptive and eloquent language she can conjure. Visit profile

Davin Rae

Journalist/freelance writer. I always told myself I'd write a book. So, here I am. If there's typos it's probably my cat. Visit profile

Steven Derwin

Steven Derwin has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Alessandra Sisca

Hi, I've been wanting to publish a book for a very long time. I'm from Oregon. You can call me Alex. Visit profile

Elizabeth Courtright

Elizabeth Courtright has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Arline Chase

Arline Chase is a writer, a wife and mother, and a child of God. She writes "some of everything" from novels (her favorite) to How-tos. cookbooks and federal funding grants. She taught writing for more than 25 years and worked as a publishe... Visit profile

John Alleyn

John writes original science fiction and fantasy. He's been writing and publishing for over twenty years, most often for the tabletop game industry, but is just starting to produce original fiction of his own. Visit profile

Anthony Poindexter

I'm 60 years old and just getting started' I have attened Long Ridge Writer's Group "Breaking Into Print." I want to have a long time desire answred and that is Writing something and getting it published. Visit profile

Patricia Elliott

Patricia Elliott lives in British Columbia with her family. She loves to write romance, but has been known to dabble in multiple genres. http://patriciaelliottromance.com Visit profile

James Paige

Grew up in California, now living and writing in Ontario Canada. Loves books with just the right amount of weirdness in them. Also makes videogames. Can smell the Sun! Visit profile

Evelyn Frederick Moll

ABOUT ME Evelyn Frederick Moll lives in Arizona with her husband In the first volume of the Ancient Magic Series, Josh Sparkins, along with his two best friends, Albert and Marty, have an adventure involving Josh's new found ability to stop ... Visit profile

Philip Cumberland

Philip Cumberland has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Mel Hankins

I am 28 years old and from Cornwall, situated in the UK. I am a mum of 4 children and i own 3 dogs and i also have 3 cats. As you can tell, I love my pets. I have always enjoyed reading and have now decided to try and write my own story. Visit profile

Kathryn Posey

I'm a mom, a wife, an addict, a christian... I'm a woman trying to find her identity. I'm Kathryn, but I go by Kaleigh. I'm just one soul among many. I love to write and have had dream to help others with my writing. Visit profile

Justin Thoby

I studied Creative Writing at St. Andrews University in Laurinburg, NC for three years, but then left for a promising career in food service because college and bourbon are expensive. I've been writing fantasy since I discovered it in seventh gr... Visit profile

Frank Parker

Self-published my first novel in November 2010 and 3 more subsequently. I have been researching the Irish famine of 1845-52 for about two years. "The Poor Law Inspector" is one of several projects arising from that research. It is based on ... Visit profile

N.E. Yeomans

I'm 28 years old. I live in Rhode Island. Books and movies are my life. There is nothing in life that is better than a great book and a Netflix binge. Visit profile

Nancy Vaughn

I'm a booklover, and I dig research. I read everything - romance, history, biography, paranormal and sci fi. I live in southern Arizona and I love to sing. I'm married with two kids and one grandson (one more on the way) Visit profile

Linda James

Had a number of short stories published in the Small Press and online. I've completed three novels, but never got them sold, though I marketed the hell out of them. Currently finishing my fantasy novel. Visit profile

Al Duncan

Al believed in the art of being authentic before it became cool. He published his first book in 2018."Becoming One with the Universe" "Inspirational Reminders, Signs and a Story" He has a unique style that deeply resonates. Visit profile

Tom Mohler

Tom Mohler is an author of fiction who tends to produce amalgamations of transgressive, horror, satire, and weird. He resides in Northeast Ohio with his wife, daughter, and their three cats. His hobbies include: beer. Visit profile

Robert Albert

Robert Albert has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Chris Wood

I'm another aspiring writer working towards the day I can drop the word "aspiring" from my bio. Visit profile

Icy Goddess

My name is Icy Goddess LS and I am a fantasy/action/adventure/romance Novelist!You can find my story on my author page by clicking the link below or copy and pasting it into facebook! https://www.facebook.com/IcyGoddessLS/ Visit profile

Tabitha Bennedict-Downes

I've finished my first novel, a book on creativity and have many others in the 'scrapbook'. My latest discovery is flash fiction and the search of a story in the short form. Visit profile

Stacy Jensen

I'm an English graduate from USU. My writing goals are to finish my first draft by the end of the year and then finish a draft to get off to betas by March 2023. A fun fact about me is that I am a gamer. Visit profile

Alayna-Renee Vilmont

A quirky, snarky Renaissance woman who will never outgrow a love of glitter, chocolate, martinis, and a life of joie de vivre. Alayna is the author of "Ophelia's Wayward Muse", a collection of poetry, and short stories/blogs across the... Visit profile

Nova Mitchell

A lover of words who has a wild imagination, I love to create stories and can do so out of nearly anything. Visit profile

Kenneth Lawson

My long-form books are mystery and detective. Short stories range my science fiction, time travel, mystery, and anything in between. The book I put here is the 4th in my James St.James PI series. which I'm currently working on now. Visit profile

Dariush Ahmadzadeh Rezvani

Born in Sari, Iran 1977, I am a Mechanical Engineer, my native language is Persian, and I can speak English and Arabic too. My Author Page on the Amazon website is as follows: amazon.com/author/dariush-ahmadzadeh Visit profile

Cari Roche

Cari Roche has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Madara Ranmuthugala

I am from Sri Lanka and I intend to write 5 books by 2025: 2 fiction, 2 nonfiction and 1 creative nonfiction. Visit profile


I am a hobby novice writer from Hungary. I have only been writing for a few years, but I know I still have a long road ahead of me Visit profile

John T. Njovu

I write mainly short stories and non-fiction. They have been published in newspapers and journals. My goal is to get a novel and non fiction book published this year. I am the friendly elder that get invited to youths' shows on radio, TV and the... Visit profile

Vanessa Von Mollendorf

Published author, both traditionally and electronically. A visual artist working in oils, acrylics and pencil. Pug lover and book devourer. Visit profile


J.C.Zapleton has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Nicolle A. Jenos

Not much to tell! I live in Ontario, Canada with my dad and beloved dog. I love writing and can’t imagine my life without it. I have stories running rampant in my mind and a strong desire to share them! Visit profile

Tara L. Herweg

I'm an actor, singer, and aspiring writer on the East Coast. I've been writing and rewriting "The Same Vein" since my senior year of high school! Visit profile

Davin Rae

I always told myself I was going to write a book. If there's any typos, i'ts probably my cat. Visit profile

M.J. Fitzmaurice

M.J. Fitzmaurice has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Richard Palmacci

Rick has lived in Florida for the last 33 years. ​He's originally from Boston​, and now married to the delightful ​author Cindy. ​She​ has just got​​ him involved with co-authoring the Rick and Ci... Visit profile

Rodney M Bliss

I'm from Pleasant Grove, Utah. I've been writing for a long time. Recently I've started writing science fiction. I have a blog that I've written daily since 2013. I was once lost in a rain storm on the Arabian Peninsula. Visit profile

Carol Tierney

I'm a geeky granny with 3 fabulous grandchildren. I live in a small bunglow in rural Cambridgeshire with my husband and our 2 dogs. My hobbies include Viking Re-enactment, crafts and running roleplaying conventions. I love learning and trying new thi... Visit profile

Garin Demirjian

Originally from Toronto and now living in Los Angeles with my fur baby Vohsghee who is a Jack Russell Mix full of life. Currently on the second editing phase of my finished novel and working towards publishing. Visit profile

Michele L. Medlyn

I'm from Mesa, AZ. I retired in 2018 after 40 years as a legal assistant. I love writing books for children. There are 9 so far. I've learned that my stories are meant for parents to read to their children. It's more fun that way! Visit profile

Nancy Klann-Moren

I am a native Californian from North Hollywood and now live in Laguna Woods. I have a novel titled The Clock Of Live and a book of short stories, Like The Flies On The Patio. My second novel is in the polishing phase. Visit profile

Leslie K Simmons

Leslie K Simmons has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Nada Shahin

Nada Shahin has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

G B Tierney

G B Tierney has been racking up Fame Points this week! Visit profile

Laurie Stewart

Laurie Stewart lives on a hobby farm in rural Ontario (Canada) with the love of her life, a small black cat, and a huge white Yeti who thinks he’s a lap cat. She writes medieval fantasy, urban fantasy, and LGBT+ cozy mystery. Visit profile

Lorene Albers

I have an extensive background as a writer, copy editor, and translator. I’ve worked as a script writer on numerous television shows that aired in Canada as well as internationally Visit profile

Cindy Lauderdale Moore

I am a blogger, traveler and plant based lifestyle advocate from the Midwest who enjoys expessing creativity in many ways. I’m currently working on a non-fiction book titled “House H(a)unting” Visit profile

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