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Jack Wolfe Frost is the Eternal Rebel; he rebels against everything which may have the word “rules” or “behave” within it, whether explicit or implicit.

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Jack Wolfe Frost     (Tier II Rising Star Author )


Just a dead cow: Short true fiction
by Jack Wolfe Frost

A cow dies and what happens next ... This is a true story and I am the narrator... "Sounds interesting!"

Just a dead cow
Flash Fiction

Just a dead cow.


Noon. The cow was overdue in pregnancy and becoming sick, so the farmer, my friend, called the Vet. The situation was serious, apparently the calf had died in utero and was starting to decompose, causing sepsis in the mother.

In a heart wrenching hour long ordeal, between the three of us, we managed to get the calf out, and the Vet gave the mother a huge dose of strong antibiotics. Mentally traumatic for myself, I shudder to think what the cow had gone through. W...

Literary Fiction
Going Home: Flash Fiction
by Jack Wolfe Frost

An old man returns to his roots... "Sounds interesting!"

Going Home
Flash Fiction

The train rumbles on as I stare blankly at the scenery passing before me. The train has always run along this route. Years ago it would puff great plumes of steam as it trundled along to its destination. Now, the hum of the diesel engine and it’s monotony replaces the steam.

My thoughts are elsewhere though - I know the route, so well etched from my youth. Sandy red desert, almost featureless and only distant scarred mountains to break the scenery. My mind hears the ...

Keep taking the pills...: Poem
by Jack Wolfe Frost

Overuse of doctors just giving pills "Sounds interesting!"

Keep taking the pills

Take this pill my doctor says, it will make you feel alright,

Really? It’s that simple? Only a pill to end my plight?

He assures me it is so, and expert he must be,

Certificates on the wall, displayed that I may see.


Thus the pills I take, three times a day, that’s what I have to do,

He said that they will ease my pain and help me see it through,

Each day that was for me a pain, great suffering in the dark,

I cannot wait for this to ...

Imagine: A short story
by Jack Wolfe Frost

Hades, who in this story is real, attempts to set matters right with other religions. It's humour, so I hope no-one is offended, I am a Christian myself. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1




St. Peter had now been in his usual spot at the Pearly Gates for five minutes since processing the last soul. Now, not a soul in sight. Odd, he thought. I don’t think I’ve ever known this since I’ve been here. He checked his watch; quite a long time. Over 2000 years. He frowned, looked up, looked down, looked behind him - just clouds. Nothing. I don’t know what to do....

Dark Biker: a wip for feedback pls
by Jack Wolfe Frost

A Hell's Angel that keeps dying... "Sounds interesting!"


Brad fired up his Harley and felt that deep satisfaction between his legs. Dawn. Head west. He had no idea where he was headed after that. Away from this God-damn town. I've had enough. That was good enough reason. He lived by his bike, and if needed would die by it. After all, Hells Angels don’t care fuck for rules. As he picked up speed, eighty, ninety, a hundred mph, the wind blowing through his hair, he felt the sense of pure freedom he had missed. He looked up at the still deep bluish...

Fri 13th: (Short story)
by Jack Wolfe Frost

A midnight graveyard shortcut gives Jim and Mary more than they bargained for... "Sounds interesting!"

Fri 13th

“We’ll go through the graveyard, it’s quicker.”

“You’re joking right? It’s almost midnight Mary.”

“Oh, is poor Jim scared of little ghosties?”

“Don’t be daft, I just… well… um…”

“You’re scared.”

“Okay, but if anything happens, it’s your fault.”

Mary laughed and walked through the ornate archway and onto the path through the graveyard....

by Jack Wolfe Frost

Me. "Sounds interesting!"


Was I born such a rebel? Probably not,

But exposure many times to societies rot,

Caned at age 10, for nothing doing wrong,

Something inside stirred, daring to be strong.


I saw the cracks appear in ‘normal’ life,

And how it caused so many great strife,

Injustices everywhere I see them all,

So you’re not gonna get me, I’ll see you fall.


Yes I started to help others fight their cause,

And stop maddening l...

The Owl Mug
by Jack Wolfe Frost

An Owl mug. Flash fiction in two parts "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
The Owl Act I

I hate it. Plain, white and featureless, with just a hint of an owl. It’s a mug – a giant teacup. And I hate it. ‘She’ owns three owl mugs; two I like – though not this one. It’s big and fat; it must of greed take upmost of a gallon to fill – leaving me with nothing for my cup of tea. It knows this. Doesn’t matter how much water I put in the kettle. It feeds as a leech.

It reads my mind, and watches me, my every move...

Grim: A Short Story (3800 words)
by Jack Wolfe Frost

Humour. Grim stuff, you know... It's humour. If it doesn't make you laugh, I want my money back. "Sounds interesting!"


Grim sat with his feet on his desk, reading the obituaries--making tick-marks on a sheet at his side-table, a boring but necessary task. “Brad Jones?” he said to no-one. “Who the hell is that?” That name wasn't on his checklist. Damn. That's the third this week. Why the hell are people dying when they are not supposed to?

Grim buzzed his secretary, “Susie, we got another one.”

A voice squeaked back through the ancient intercom system, “At le...

Hawk (working title)
by Jack Wolfe Frost

Fantasy story about a Prince - Hawk - who loses that which he loves most, and in an adventure to recapture it, finds himself placed with a task of destroying his own royal heritage. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1: The Beginning
a wip for feedback pls

Chapter One: The Beginning


Prince Hawk felt everyone’s eyes turned on him, and he but a dumb fool, as the Ancient knelt before him, offering the sword. A million thoughts streaked through his brain threatening to overwhelm him.

The Ancient had appeared – unexpected – at the outside celebration of his fourteenth birthday – manhood – and Hawk knew not what to do. What was royal protocol? The Ancients had not been seen ...

Verse Novel
Little boxes: (small minds)
by Jack Wolfe Frost

Find out and see! "Sounds interesting!"

Little Boxes

I see the rows of places, where normal people live,

Stacked in neat little boxes, are they some kind of gift?

They look so good and tidy, I must have one to fit my mind,

But though I try my hardest, one my size I cannot find.


They exist in expanding circles, like a ball of edam cheese,

Oh please God let me find one, they look like the bees knees,

Red and yellow and black and blue but rainbow where are you,

I dig and search and walk around I have to f...

by Jack Wolfe Frost

A small abused girl is mysteriously transported to an alternate dimensions where she is taught her true powers, and how to overcome her abuse back in "reality" "Sounds interesting!"

(Short story)

 Already in the cellar, Llana heard the door slam shut. She crawled by her nails and bloodied fingers, deeper into a dark corner, and curled up in a ball. She knew by the slam of the door, he was drunk and angry again, but the old broken boxes around her would perhaps offer some protection. Muffled shouts, foul words, the sound of pots being broken--each served to fuel her fear. Hyper-vigilant, she knew each distinct sound and how each reflected his fury. Please, just for once, please. Foot...

Silent Killer
by Jack Wolfe Frost

A by-product of man's tampering with the elements creates a Silent Killer--not a virus, not apocalyptic. Yet. Unless the as yet unwitting Steele Brooks can figure out what is happening and why are people just--vanishing. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Mist slowly encircled the campsite and crept around each tent, slowly rising until it covered the tents. Morning came later, and the mist dispersed as the sun rose. Where before campers were sleeping, the land sparkled with dewdrops. Not a trace remained of any campers.

As the Farmer approached the site, he noticed the lack of any disturbance, and smiled. The mist never failed him.


Deep underground now, an aching discontent filled the mist.  Grown mu...

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