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I have loved reading and writing for as long as I can remember. Telling stories is what brings me the greatest joy in life. I love stories of all kinds but I mostly write fantasy, horror, and science fiction.

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Adam Wright

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The Man of the Daggers
by Adam Wright

Feran Stormweather is a dark mage. His family has held off the forces of the Army of Radiance for generations. After Feran sacrifices everything he holds dear to keep his people safe he must go into hiding and becomes known as The Man of the Daggers. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
The Cool of the Shadows

Feran Stormweather knelt, closed his eyes, and felt rich, damp, soil beneath his fingertips. He inhaled and thought of shadows, the cool shade, and protection from the light. A cool energy surged through him. Light and the heat from it blistered the skin, scorched the earth, blazing across Ardor, not caring what it burned away or who it left as a heap of ash. It was the ever-present danger to the people of The Daggers, the city Feran called home. 

He eased his dagger from its sheath with his f...

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