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Bruce {Brewster} Peterson was born in Columbus, Ohio and has been writing for over 40 years. He writes self-empowerment and occult books under the pseudonyms of B.L. Peterson and Bert LaVey.

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B. L. Peterson/Bert LaVey

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The Gospel of Jesus
by B. L. Peterson/Bert LaVey

The real words spoken by Jesus {Yeshua} that were not canonized in the KJV of the Bible. Authentic text. Only found since 1942! "Sounds interesting!"

No chapters posted yet.

Nobody Wants Me: How You Rob YourSelf Of Your SoulMate
by B. L. Peterson

You heard it all before the dating advice, do this and don’t do that and you built up the courage to date again and guess what? YOU’RE STILL ALONE! OK, you know you are not an angel but you are far from being a bad person. You have a big heart and a bigger love but no one to give it to. You look OK, maybe above average and if people got to know you they would find that you are a sensitive, loving, gentle person to everyone, and even more so to the RIGHT ONE! So where is Mr. or Mrs. RIGHT you been searching for your whole life? Haa, the answer is closer than you think! "Sounds interesting!"

No chapters posted yet.

TALES FROM HELL II: Hell's Bells Are Ringing Again!
by Bert LaVey

With the popularity of TALES FROM HELL book one, I am back at the old PC digging into the dark, dark recesses of my "Don't Go In There!" mind to bring you a new set of horror stories for a Computer Age audience. What scared Grandma won't scare you! Or will it? 'Yeah, I know, you know what I fear! That doesn't work on me anymore." "Yes, I know that. But my friend, better yet, I know what you love and where it is kept." -Sesuj. Meet the King of Angels and Demons, Sesuj and others in Volume Two: TALES FROM HELL And don't forget to pay your electric bill! "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1
"Hell Bells Are Ringing Again!"

There was Big Mr. M, and two other rather angry looking guys in the room. I was visiting my friend who stayed with his grandmother and sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Big Mr. M was easily the town's No 1. Gangster and no one liked standing in front of him for obvious reasons.

A person stood in front of Big Mr. M either for Big Mr. M to tell them what to do, which was never what you wanted to do, or to pay him money, and if you owed him money you better believed you better h...

The EverLasting Gospel: Discover MetaPsychics
by B. L. Peterson

METAPSYCHICS is the only Trancendental-Spiritual Science in the world. It was discovered and codified by B. L. Peterson who wrote all the MetaPychics Books. METAPSYCHICS literally mean "Above or beyond the mind. It is learning how to use the very closed and limited mind to overcome the problems of the unlimited mind which to the SuperMind are illusions made real. PSYCHIC CLEARING-ability to hear your own thoughts, feel your own e-motions, and adjust the new E-go to develop a winning personality. "Sounds interesting!"

No chapters posted yet.

The Stoner's Bible: The Crystal Flower
by B. L. Peterson

The Goddess/God of the Weed is SHIVA. In ancient Africa, the Dagga Tribe believed Ganja came from the Gods and was given to man as a gift of His grace and peace. Ganja came from The Two-Dog star which we know today as Alpha Centauri. How the Dugga tribe saw this is beyond us, they had no telescopes in those days. This book will open your mind to new dimensions that will transform your life by the Words of the Goddess in a fun and exciting way that requires no effort on your part. This book will change your life and make your smoking an experience not to be forgotten. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

The Story Never Ends.


Historical Fiction
THE GREAT AMERICAN BLACK HERO II: The Devil In Paradise: "Would you expect the devil to show up in hooves and tails?"
by Bert LaVey

Brewster Peterson, Private Dic is investigating the abduction of a gifted Spanish girl. Detective Brewster is good at this and knows he has only 48 hours to find her or the girl can be assumed dead. He is not worried, but he never expected that behind all of this is a charismatic new Minister, many think is Jesus Christ returned to earth. He has nearly 1/2 the world following him, but to where? And what does this missing little girl have to do with it all? "Sounds interesting!"

No chapters posted yet.

BLACKOLOGY: The True Unknown History of the Black Race
by B. L. Peterson

The Unknown, Unwritten, Unheard of True History of the Black Race. If you do not know your past, not only do you have no real identity, you have no real future. A must read for all people, but especially Black people. "Sounds interesting!"

The Greatest Story NEVER Told


An Open Letter

To All Good Black Men

First of all there are no good men in the world according to Jesus in the New Testament.

Seeing how he ‘corrected’ the man for calling even him a good man, saying,

‘Why call me good? There is none good but God.’

Again, even Jesus,a son of God, confessed as the son of man that he was not...

Coming of Age
THE GREAT AMERICAN BLACK HERO: Little Angels: Part One: Little Angels
by B. L. Peterson

You are growing up, and there is a strange new world around you. And you notice you ARE different! And some people like you for it, and some don't. But life couldn't be better! It is 1950's Mid-Eastern America. My momma didn't sing the blues and pappa wasn't a rolling stone. But I was certainly something to be accounted for at nine years old. This is my story. "Sounds interesting!"




by  B. L. Peterson 


The Great American Black Hero Part One: Little Angels

Copyright © 2012-2020 by B. L. Peterson

For FutureNow Publications.

 All rights reserved.  





This book series is de...

"Good Morning, God Loves You!": Inspiration Quotes From The Holy Bible
by B. L. Peterson

Have a hard time getting MOTIVATED in the morning? Well, there are over 50 Inspiration Quotes from the Holy Bible guaranteed to "JUMP START" your day and remind you that GOD LOVES YOU ALWAYS! "Sounds interesting!"


“Good Morning, I Love You!” 

 Inspiration Quotes From The Holy Bible  

by B. L. Peterson   



Copyrighted @ 2019 by  Future​Now​ Publications.

 All Rights Reserved.                   




The Book Of Satan
by Bert LaVey

You want to know the TRUTH about Satan? He's not the devil, nor is He the opposite of Christianity. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 3
Aspects Of The Soul


   Aspects of the Soul


 There are several different aspects that make up the human soul. The aura, the light body, the chakras, the etheric double, [the ghost that takes on the image of the physical body], and the intelligence/conscious ness. The human soul is also made up of the elements fire, earth, air, water and quintessence. 

In doing research, I ...

The Jivanmutka: Liberation From A Painful Life
by B. L. Peterson

Can you truly live a life free of pain and misery? The answer is No! But you can minimize your loss and pain with this little book and be happy and free regardless of the negative circumstances or conditions around you. You can be a shark in a sea of minnows. The Director of your faith and fate. Be more confident to fulfill your dreams! Here are the mental techniques you need to overcome the limitations of your limited mind. By operating as a SPIRITUAL BEING {SP} you can overcome any problems you may have. "Sounds interesting!"



 Liberation of the  Mind and Body From Chronic Pain         



To all Human Beings who seek pain relief through self-knowledge.   



The Satanic Codex 2020
by /Bert LaVey

Satan and the Devil are not the same as the bible teaches you. Matter-of-fact, you have no idea what a monotheist society can do to bring about your personal downfall. Read this book and find some answers to some questions you were always afraid to ask! "Sounds interesting!"

The Major Problem and The Final Solution




Bert LaVey

Copyrighted @2020 by Bert LaVey.

For FutureNow Publications.

All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents


The Vision of Social Collapse and Rebirth

Chapter 1

The Denial of Supernatural Divinity (and initial reinterpretations of Satanic mythology)

Chapter 2

The Inversion of Morality (The Crimes of God)

Chapter 3

by B. L. Peterson

METAPSYCHICS is the science of the soul. It teaches you how to use your Unlimited {Analytical-Cause} Mind to solve the problems and ill circumstances of your limited {slave-effect} mind. By showing you how you are NOT a body that possesses a soul, but a 'soul' that possesses a body will set you on the path of success that can't fail. With a negative world trying to drag you down every day, METAPSYCHICS gives you the PSYCHIC TOOLS to win and win again. "Sounds interesting!"

Welcome To MetaPsychics
Science Of The Soul

Dedicated to:

L. Ron Hubbard

Kirby J. Hensley

Jon G. Murray

Friedrich Nietzsche

Langston Hughes

Harold Kemp

Anton LaVey


Welcome To MetaPsychics


Who Has The Power?

Who Needs Met...

OSKAR: A Rock Opera For Children
by B. L. Peterson

A young Black man goes around telling people he is from Mars and he has an extremely important message for the people of the earth: It is of a grave matter but he forgot what it was! So to humor their friend and his mission, they set off on a fantastic journey that is more fantasy than reality. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1 - Oskar Arrives

"An unenlightened man is like a man in a cave with his hands bound.

He is looking at the wall and seeing the spot of light from the entrance to the cave which is behind him.

You step into the dark cave, out of the light and try and tell the man there is more to his life than this.

But he exclaims almost like a madman that "He sees the light! He sees the light!",

looking at the beam of light on the wall...

TALES FROM HELL Volume I: 20 Psychological Horror Stories
by Bert LaVey

After reading these new, different kind of psychological horror stories, YOU WON'T TURN OUT THE LIGHTS! "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

"My Grandmama died. They want me to kiss my dead Grandmama.

I am nine years old. No fooking way!"

What nine-year-old kid wants to go to a funeral?

Even it if was Grandmama's wake.

I had comic BOOKS to read, movies to see, TV shows to watch, little girls to tease and Tonka TRUCKS that had to be destroyed.

Fook a funeral!

I dreaded funerals!

But my mother was making me go whether I wanted to go or not.

Grandmama was cool wh...

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