All my life I've read books in many genres. I've wanted to write but didn't have the courage. But thanks to Chapterbuzz, and feedback from the community, I realize I can be a writer.
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A woman who has battled mental illness most of her life, now is struggling with the onset of dementia. "Sounds interesting!"
Chapter 1
Welcome To My World
Chapter One
So, here I go again. Thinking I could actually write a novel. I have a few unfinished manuscripts that I was so excited to start. Then the voices in my head would begin their shit, saying how terrible I am, and how dare I breathe the same air as the rest of the world, blah blah blah.
I was having problems deciding what to write. But they (whoever they are) say write what you know. And I know me. So, here I am.
Bits and Pieces is a book of Poetry and Short Stories I am writing during my time at and other stories I've written previously. "Sounds interesting!"
Rush A Super Quick Short
She ran as fast as she could. The library was only a couple of blocks from the middle school, but it was due to close in a few more minutes. Her backpack almost tipped her over from it violently shaking with her rushed movements.
She approached the front door and swung it open. Going up to the front desk, she asked, almost out of breath, where the romance novels were located. After the librarian pointed, the girl ran to the section and froze. There were aisles of books. It was imperative she find t...
She was so happy. Having her first baby at the age of seventeen didn’t phase her at all. Her mother was so pissed, but she didn’t care. Mother was only mad because the baby would be another mouth to feed. But she could breastfeed for a year, maybe longer if she needed to. The father of the baby left town after she broke the news to him. He didn’t want to be a father again, much less accused...
A man kidnaps a fitness guru to help his depressed sister lose weight. "Sounds interesting!"
Chapter 1
Chapter One
“Merry Christmas, Man,” my brother, Todd, said as he walked in my bedroom carrying a breakfast tray. My given name is Amanda, but he calls me "Man" for short. On it was an overflowing plate full of eggs, hash browns, toast, and bacon. There was coffee with plenty of cream and sugar, and a large glass of orange juice. My name was Amanda, but Todd usually called me by ...