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...bitch meets boy
by Ruth Virgo

Matt's just moved into town, bringing several problems with him... Cas is the girl with the Insta-perfect life. No problems, that is, until you meet her parents... (which you won't - cause they're never around) She's the popular girl and he's the Bible Basher but somehow they meet and talk and do more than talk : ) Why is it that every time things seem to be going right, it all turns sour? "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Grab them!” “Run!” “Quick!” Last minute instructions echoed all around the underpass but Matthew Clayton didn’t need to be told as he grabbed the most valuable spray cans and dived into the nearest alley. Matthew watched as the local police man, driving a police car and patrolling the area waited for his night shift to end, not noticing or caring about the teenage “criminals” hiding out in the alley not fifty metres away from him. Matthew was equally as una...

Chapter 2

Cassandra shimmied up the tall peach tree in her back garden and swung into her room via the window that she hadn’t once (not since her first rebellious act) kept closed. Pulling the contents of her coat’s pockets out and emptying them onto her bed she was captivated by the sight of a locked notebook. It was the item she nicked off the teenager in the alley. Having not had time to closely examine her findings in the alley due to the dark and her unexpected sneeze she was disappointed that it ...

Chapter 3

The girl who’d approached him at the bus stop sat down next to Matt but didn’t make eye contact for half the journey (which must have been hard for her given the numerous times she bumped into him because of the ups and downs of the bus as it travelled along the pot-holed road and frequently squealed to a stop to let more teenagers on). There were times when Matt thought of something to say but the bus turned a sharp corner and they were forgotten. Finally, frustrated at the excruciating sile...

Chapter 4

Cas felt a sigh of relief surge up from within her as she pointed Matt in the direction of Mrs Grey’s office and set off for her form room.

As Cas walked down the corridor she could hear people whispering and staring at her. Cas had always been quite a, let’s say, character at Tumblewood Secondary School. Her form went from loud to ear-bursting as she came in and tons of girls (and boys) started to surround her and give her hugs one-by-one. She could see Jessica loitering in the corner ...

Chapter 5

Matt followed Cas’s gaze to the table diagonally in front of her and saw a boy make a heart with his hands, he wasn’t smiling as he cracked his hands apart and Matt saw how Cas leant her head on her desk and hit her head over and over again.

When Cas stood up to go to her next lesson, only Matt realized the wet patch she had left where her head had been and the faint streak of mascara running down her cheek. He followed her out into the corridor and lost sight of her in the sea of peopl...

Chapter 6

Worst. Day. Ever. Cas could see Matt out of the corner of her eye, he had stopped in his tracks and was looking at the commotion Karl was causing. She saw how he looked away, the way he hesitated before continuing to walk. She couldn’t help but think that Matt was being much nicer by just walking by than Karl, who was by hurling insults at her while what felt like the whole school watched in disgust. Only Matt kept on walking when everyone else stopped to stare.

By the time Karl said, “...

Chapter 7

Sitting down behind Cas, Matt kept thinking back to the night before when a he saw the redhead in the alley. Cas’s beautiful hair swayed when it caught a draft from the window, the girl in the alley’s long hair was red as well. Could it have been her that night? Why did she run away?

“Oi! It’s the secret lovers!”

Cas turned around to give a sorry look, before saying, “Eww, Matt? And me? Ugh, that is never going to happen.”

Ouch, yeah, well why d...

Chapter 8
Cas & Matt

Well, what do you think?”

“It’s-” Cas could see Matt searching though all his adjectives to find the perfect one to describe her room. “-better than mine,” Matt smiled, “Even though it’s just a little bit too pink for my liking.” He eyed the pink wallpaper and pink rug that you could sink your toes into. His gaze fell to the end of her bed, “I think the soft toys make up for the pinkness though!”

Cas turned red, she couldn&rsqu...

Chapter 9

Walking side-by-side along the narrow pavement lined with hedges, Cas was suddenly self-conscious, what am I doing with this weird new boy? What’ll my friends think, that I’ve ditched them for this loser? She made up her mind. Something must be done.

As they got to the outskirts of town, Cas pulled out her phone and messed around on it as they walked. Suddenly, she heard her ring tone. “Its my Mum, I’ve got to pick it up ‘cause she literally never calls.”


Chapter 10

From what Matt had heard of Cas’s mum, she wouldn’t waste her working hours calling her daughter when Brittany could just as well do it. Matt was suspicious, he noticed that Cas had been deep in thought, the whole journey into town. Also, Cas had just pulled out her phone when her mum ringed. Was it just a coincidence or was the whole thing staged?

Matt didn’t want to assume the worst but also knew he couldn’t assume the best either.

Since the “emergency phone ca...

Chapter 11

Matt knows way to much about me, he thinks that he can freely yell at me and treats me as if I am a cold hearted, emotionless piece of shit. Cas had felt the urge to cry just to spite him but hadn’t been able to fake-cry that fast, especially not so that Matt would notice - he didn’t even turn around to see if she was crying, he just guessed and walked on.

After telling Mia to shut up, Cas made her way home. She was almost at her house when she saw Matt walking back from the di...

Chapter 12

Ahhh...” Matt heard scrambling from the front garden and saw a flash of neon pink and flowing red hair.

“No... Just no...” Matt could see Cas going around the school gossiping about his “house”. He lay face down on his bed and stayed there until he was interrupted.

“Hey Matt! How’d your day go?”

“Great, yeah it was great,” Matt said as though he was trying to convince himself.

“Well, I thought that in honour of you ...

Chapter 13

Dinner was spaghetti meatballs and Cas had to put up with Nicole’s teasing for the entire meal.

“Hey Cas, you should have invited that new boy over for dinner. You could share a spaghetti string together.” Nicole acted it out. Cas had had plenty of boyfriends without being teased by Nicole; however, now that she knew Matt (who wasn’t even her boyfriend) she was being teased.

“Are you jealous of me? Or do you just think that now you’re in Secondary School yo...

Chapter 14

Rise and shine Matt! It’s another glorious day!” Matt heard his Mum sing out through the thin walls of his house. In his head he was thinking the exact opposite (I don’t wanna wake up... It’s another horrible day...)

Get up, he did however, and soon he was on his way to school.

As he left the house he said goodbye to his father who was finally cutting back the brambles that had overgrown the path. Too bad Cas hadn’t waited a day for spying on Matt, she would have...

Chapter 15

Cas watched Matt as the bus drove off, they locked eyes and she smiled. Matt refused to do so and waved solemnly.

“You really do fancy him don’t you?”

“No,” Cas shook her head as she turned to face her sisters, “I like him more than I’ll ever like a boy again.This isn’t just a crush...”

“...This is true love.” Nicole mocked, “Just admit it Cas, you’re never going to have true love, it’s written in your D...

Chapter 16

As soon as Cas was out of sight, Matt fumbled around in his bag loudly. “Driver! Can you stop just a sec. I left my text book in my locker and I’ve got homework tonight. Just let me out here and I’ll make my own way back.”

The bus stopped and Matt hurried off it, ignoring the glares from his classmates. Entering through the school gates, Matt was careful not to be seen. Cas and her sisters were walking to the back entrance, the year 7, talking to her. Following in hot pursui...

Chapter 17
Matt & cas

Hey Matt,” it was Cas.

“Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there.”

Yeah right. “What are you doing here?”

Trying not to get found out, he innocently replied, “I was going to look for a canvas.”

Cas thought for a second, “Mind if I come with you?”

“I guess.” Matt tried to suppress his glee, it would be awkward if Cas said that he could go buy it on his own as he didn’t have the money, maybe she knew that.


Chapter 18

You should come over for dinner. Brittany, our supervisor lady, knows all about you from Nicole.” Matt was curious, Why had Nicole had been talking about him?

“Can we just drop by my house for me to tell my parents?”

“Can’t you just ring them?”

“Uh...” Matt was frozen, he couldn’t let Cas know his family only had one phone that his Dad kept strictly for emergencies. “My parents prefer me to tell them face to face. Anyway, it&rs...

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