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The 36Club
by Wendy Ogilvie

When ex police officer turned teacher, Jenna Sharp, discovers the recent death of a student is the fourth in a year, she insists on finding out why. Police investigations revealed no connection between the deaths, but school journalist Abbie Rayne has a theory about the 36Club; a secret club run by students. With a possible connection between the deaths, Detective Jackson Ortiz of Philadelphia PD agrees to check out their theory but the closer they get to the truth, the more Jenna has to face up to what happened in her past. "Sounds interesting!"


Danny Musgrove noticed a faint humming noise joined by a cackling as he became more aware of his surroundings. The sound was reminiscent of his uncle's farm. The air around him was thick and humid; a droplet of sweat ran into his right eye causing him to squeeze it shut. He tried to lift his right arm to rub his eyes but it wouldn't move. Blinking a couple of times attempting to clear his sight, he realised his wrists were tied to whatever it was he was sitting on.

His heart began beating faster as...

Chapter 1
Monday morning

Jenna Sharpe stood motionless in her kitchen holding a piece of toast to her bottom lip. Her eyes followed the news tag filtering across the bottom of the television screen. STUDENT FOUND DEAD IN QUARRY LAKE.

  "Morning Jen, have you seen my other brown sock?" Neil said as he entered the kitchen hopping around on one foot. "Isn't it amazing that you know you washed the pair, but one always manages to go missing? I think there must be... Jen, what's wrong?" Neil placed his free hand on the...

Chapter 2
Lawrence Green School

Jenna rode her bike into the forecourt of the school. She smiled at her students as they called their morning greetings to her. She had only been at Lawrence Green for eight months but already felt at home. The students were mostly from wealthy families, which meant that the children were well educated and most seemed to enjoy the learning process. Their parents were lawyers, politicians or owned their own company. The first school she taught at was in the east end of London, England; the students were a...

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