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Love, Or Something Like It
by L. K. Thompson, LTC (Ret.)

Stunned by the discovery that General Jagwi has not only escaped from his prison, but has been able to return to Korea, Team Reliant is forced to mobilize, seek out the General, and take him down.The strange love story is set against the sometimes-terrifying efforts of a US Army Special Forces team and the lone woman on the team. Initially the attraction that Aleumdaun, the female of the team, feels for the selfish, self-gratifying Slover moves forward with bumpy moments while they work with the other team members to eliminate their North Korean nemesis. "Sounds interesting!"

Chapter 1

Front matter:


Or Something Like It


Love, or Something Like It

This novel is a Team Reliant series, Book Four

Businesses, brands, places, products, names, and other Marca Registrada referred to in this book are used fictitiously and are the property of the respective trademark holders. There is no association express or implied between the author and any trademark holder. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting t...

Chapter 2




UNIT: Dawn and Slover Argue

SITUATION: Serving Under New Requirements

LOCATION: New Double Duty Office Facade

ATTITUDE: One of Uncertainty and Anxiety

TIME: 0800 hours Local Time, Current Date



The sun had risen on the building which served as Team Reliant’s new headquarters. The building was, in reality, a World War II...

Chapter 3





UNIT: Four Members of The Team Investigate

SITUATION: Investigating the Questionable

LOCATION: Yalu Street, Seoul, South Korea

TIME: 1900 hours Local Time, Current Date



Olaedoen offered to take his car to transport him into town to Yalu Street. His car was a small Korean car. Slover, Dawn, and Dude looked askance at t...

Chapter 4




UNIT: All Members of Team Reliant

SITUATION: Spence Calls For Discussion

LOCATION: Team Reliant Headquarters

TIME: 0900 hours Local Time, Current Date


Spence presided at the conference table. Present were Captain James Harvey, Captain Aleumdaun Yeoga, Sergeant Major Étienne Mungo, Sergeant First Class Dutch Slover, Staff Sergeant Cruz Grov...

Chapter 5




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: Planning the Mission

LOCATION: Team Reliant Headquarters

TIME: 1000 hours Local Time, Same Date



Sergeant Aaron Pearly knocked on the conference room door. James Harvey responded with a hearty instruction for Pearly to enter. Pearly stepped into the room, “Did someone here want t...

Chapter 6




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: Planning a Mission

LOCATION: Team Reliant Headquarters

TIME: 1000 hours Local Time, Current Date



Cowboy nodded his head toward Dawn and pointed at her, “She speaks Korean! But who would the other be?”

Harvey arose and walked to stand behind Olaedoen. He put his hands...

Chapter 7




UNIT: Team Reliant Investigation Team

SITUATION: Planning A Dangerous Approach

LOCATION: In Office Near the Heart of Danger

TIME: 1800 hours Local Time, Current Date



Spence ordered Cowboy, “Shut the door, and let’s get on with the meeting so that I can hear Dawn’s After-Action Report.”


Chapter 8




UNIT: Dawn and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Create an Escape Plan

LOCATION: At the Top of The Stairs

TIME: 0300 hours Local Time, Current Date


The electronic sound had planted their feet solidly on the wooden floor. Dawn fumbled with her cell phone in an effort to press the silencing button. She managed to press it all the way down to off just as the n...

Chapter 9




UNIT: Dawn and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Create an Escape Plan

LOCATION: At the Top of The Stairs

TIME: 0330 hours Local Time, Current Date


Olaedoen sat on the dirt floor and removed his shoes. He sat cross legged with his shoes between his crossed legs. He leaned out from under his hiding place and stared upward. His eyes searched the darkness for ...

Chapter 10




UNIT: The Ten Team Members Attending

SITUATION: Dawn’s AAR to Spence

LOCATION: Team Reliant Office Building

TIME: 0900 hours Local Time, Current Date



Dawn had just finished her detailed version of the previous evening’s events. She sat still. Her face flushed. Burl Spence sat with his arms crossed and his hand over his mouth. He blink...

Chapter 11



UNIT: The Team Members and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Mission Preparation

LOCATION: In the Rear of Reliant Building

TIME: 1300 hours Local Time, Current Date



Most of the ten active team members were arrayed around the conference table. Some stood, others sat.

Spence sat checking his radio receivers.

Harvey looked up from his Mission Essential Task List a...

Chapter 12




UNIT: The Team Members and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Mission Execution

LOCATION: In the Tunnel

TIME: 1900 hours Local Time, Current Date



In their final approach, Harvey whispered to the assembled group. "My night vision goggles, with the IFR attachment, shows me body heat from at least two guards ahead, one on each side of the tunnel. If they are faci...

Chapter 13




UNIT: The Team Members and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Ready to Deal with The Guards

LOCATION: In the Tunnel Under the Meat Shop

TIME: 2000 hours Local Time, Current Date



Harvey told the group, "Spence has instructed Cowboy and the Dude to distract the guards by making noise in the stairwell. Let's watch them to see they turn their attention to the stair...

Chapter 14




UNIT: The Team Reliant and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Mission Discussion

LOCATION: Ready Room/Team Reliant

TIME: 0800 hours Local Time, Current Date



Spence waved a forefinger at Harvey. "I heard most of the mission through your radio microphone, but I want you to tell me what went wrong."

Harvey's eyes studied the floor. He grimaced, "I believe o...

Chapter 15




UNIT: The Team Reliant and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Mission Debriefing

LOCATION: Ready Room/Team Reliant

TIME: 0800 hours Local Time, Current Date



Spence addressed the assembled team. "All right, let's hear your After-Action Report because our communication was not good through radio earbuds, I have no idea about what happened last night."


Chapter 16




UNIT: The Team Reliant and Olaedoen

SITUATION: Mission Discussion

LOCATION: Ready Room/Team Reliant

TIME: 0900 hours Local Time, Current Date



The team left the building and walked out to the large driveway in front of their office building. Using chalk, they drew the approximate lines of how the tunnel was laid out under the meat shop. They prac...

Chapter 17




UNIT: A Slumbering Team Reliant

SITUATION: Break-in Noises in The Dark

LOCATION: Team Reliant Offices

TIME: 0400 hours Local Time, Current Date



With all team personnel upstairs and sleep, the office, downstairs, was necessarily dark. The building and its occupants slumbered. The team members were in their assigned rooms, which made it an opportun...

Chapter 18




UNIT: Slover and Spence

SITUATION: The Promised Meeting

LOCATION: Team Reliant Offices

TIME: 0700 hours Local Time, Current Date


Slover stood at attention next to a chair in Spence’s office. His eyes twitched from side to side. He was quiet in his observation of the damage done the night before.

In opposition to Slover’s observation, Spenc...

Chapter 19




UNIT: Mungo, Slover, Dawn, and the Korean

SITUATION: Executing the Change of Plan

LOCATION: In the Tunnel Under Yalu Street

TIME: 0330 hours Local Time, Current Date



Mungo, Slover and Dawn stood with the Korean in the darkness of the tunnel and waited for the car. They had walked about 100 yards into the darkness of the tunnel where they hoped th...

Chapter 20




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: After-Action Report

LOCATION: Team Reliant Offices

TIME: 0900 hours Local Time, the Next Day



Spence assumed his normal place at the damaged table with Harvey sitting next to him. Harvey cringed as Spence ordered, “All right, Mister Harvey, let’s have a debriefing. But fir...

Chapter 21




UNIT: Dawn Leads Bravo


LOCATION: The Exit Tunnel Under Hotel

TIME: 1520 hours Local Time, The Same Day



In the darkness of the tunnel, Dawn received Harvey’s radio transmission. She muttered, “Oh, my God.” She turned to Mungo. “Harvey is in the hotel and the searc...

Chapter 22




UNIT: Harvey Debriefs Alpha and Bravo

SITUATION: Searching for Jagwi

LOCATION: The Exit Tunnel Under Hotel Yesan

TIME: 1540 hours Local Time, The Same Day



Both teams, Alpha and Bravo, were gathered in the underground tunnel beneath Hotel Yesan. Harvey told the assembled group. “I have talked to Spence, and ...

Chapter 23




UNIT: Team Jagwi

SITUATION: Jagwi And Local Communists

LOCATION: In An Undivulged Location

TIME: 1700 hours Local Time, The Same Day


Jagwi stood beside a product display case in a local store on Yalu Street. He leaned one hip against the case, and he adjusted his face so that he could blow smoke out of both sides of his mouth. The trick was t...

Chapter 24




UNIT: Team Jagwi

SITUATION: Jagwi And Local Communists

LOCATION: In An Undivulged Location

TIME: 1700 hours Local Time, The Same Day


Jagwi stood beside a product display case in a store on Yalu Street. He leaned one hip against the case, and he adjusted his face so that he could blow smoke out of both sides of his mouth. The trick was to make...

Chapter 25




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: Briefing for Mission Against Jagwi

LOCATION: Team Reliant Headquarters Building

TIME: 0600 hours Local Time, The Next Day



Harvey spoke, “Okay, guys. The pressure is on. Spence has laid down the law. Either we catch Jagwi, this time, or we are off the team and will be traveling ...

Chapter 26




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: Briefing to dispose of Jagwi

LOCATION: In The White Van

TIME: 1330 hours Local Time, The Same Day



The parade marchers yelled and screamed their rage at the speeding white van. Others in the parade picked themselves up from where they had fallen. Other marchers ran back up the street ...

Chapter 27




UNIT: Team Reliant

SITUATION: Hiding General Jagwi

LOCATION: In A Secret Place

TIME: 1500 hours Local Time, The Same Day



Mungo was the driver. Harvey and Dawn sat in the front with him. Mungo said to Harvey, “We have been driving around Seoul for an hour in this truck with its stiff suspension, it’s b...

Chapter 28




UNIT: Militant Communist Leaders

SITUATION: Tracing General Jagwi

LOCATION: In A Tunnel Headquarters

TIME: 1900 hours Local Time, The Same Day



Mafzue asked Josue, “Where are they now?”

“Commander, I haven’t heard a sound from the device for about 20 minutes. The location finder puts ...

Chapter 29




UNIT: Team Reliant Members

SITUATION: Team Briefing on Jagwi Solution

LOCATION: In Team Headquarters

TIME: 0700 hours Local Time, The Next Day



General Fidel departed in secrecy as he had arrived. Spence conducted the meeting. “People, we must decide what to do with General Jagwi, how to do it, and under wha...

Chapter 30




UNIT: Dawn and Slover

SITUATION: Preparing to Place the GPS

LOCATION: Near Jagwi’s old Chamber

TIME: 0330 hours Local Time, the Same Morning



“Dammit, Slover. What’s your game now?”

“My game?”

“Yes. I don’t know when to believe you anymore. The North Kore...

Chapter 31




UNIT: Dawn and Slover

SITUATION: Solving Personal

LOCATION: Near Jagwi’s New Chamber

TIME: 0330 hours Local Time, the Same Morning



“Dammit, Slover. What’s your game now?”

“My game?”

“Yes. I don’t know when to believe you anymore. The North Koreans beat y...

Chapter 32




UNIT: The Communist Party Members

SITUATION: Finding Bodies and Jagwi

LOCATION: In the tunnel near the stairwell

TIME: 0440 hours Local Time, the Same Morning



A group of 20 men were assembled in front of Mafzue’s meat shop. They were led by Commander Zaeim and Josu, Zaeim complained, “Okay, men. We&rs...

Chapter 33




UNIT: Spence Conducts a Morning Briefing

SITUATION: Defend the South Korean Government

LOCATION: Team Headquarters, Seoul

TIME: 1000 hours Local Time, the Next Morning



 “Our HUMINT is sketchy at best, but we know the South Korean Communist Party will attempt to overthrow the established Pro-Democracy g...

Chapter 34




UNIT: Team Reliant Joins the Angry Crowd

SITUATION: Monitoring A Coup Attempt

LOCATION: Near Government Headquarters

TIME: 0900 hours Local Time, the Same Morning



 Dawn had put on a set of eyeglasses as she appeared to be writing rapidly on her tablet. Members of the crowd jostled her unaware in their frenzy...



At 1700 hours, and sometimes at sunset, depending on the military installation, a detachment of military personnel assembles at the flag pole in front of the headquarters building of the military installation. They assemble to respectfully remove the flag of the United States of America from the flag pole.

A cannon fires a round. The detachment pulls the flag slowly down the flag pole. As they do this, they render the hand salute. The bugler plays “Taps.”...

Glossary of Military Terms




Meanings of words and abbreviations used (generally speaking).

AO: Area of operations

Berretta: The 9-millimeter pistol used by military personnel.

CO: Commanding Officer

CONUS: Continental United States

CQ: Charge of Quarters: Enlisted personnel appointed to serve all ...

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